Monday, January 26, 2009

One World-One Heart

I am joining the One World-One Heart project with bloggers all over the world. We are giving away art by random drawing to someone who posts on our blogs. I am giving away this set of 12 handmade cards to the winner. All you have to do is post a comment on this blog by Feb. 11 and make sure you include your email address so I can let you know if you win. I will draw the name of the winner on Feb. 12. The purpose of this project is to encourage people, visit other blogs, and enjoy the art of others.
If you would like more information you can click on the logo. Have a great day everyone!



Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

I am amazed everytime that I see you stamps and your creations with them. I have never seen cards like this. They are so beautiful.

Sue said...

Your cards are wonderful! Please include me in your OWOH giveaway draw!



ch said...

This are lovely. What a generous offering.

feel free to visit my giveaway/blog
Thank you,

Sara said...

Your cards are beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing...and drop by mine #405 on list...

Talking Horses Arts said...

How beautiful!!!!Love you creation! awesome!
Please enter me???

Anonymous said...

They are lovely, I'd love to have a chance to win them.

i think i know said...

you are good. sign me up.cindy

Digital Misfit said...

Absolutely inspired cards! I love them. Thank you for joining the One World One Heart caravan and offering such a generous and beautiful giveaway.

Pop by my blog (#469) for a visit and enter my giveaway too!


Glassgrrl Studios said...

What a fun variety of cards - something for almost any occasion!
Come try my giveaway, #310 on the list.

Zan Asha said...

WOW! These are soooo unique and so beautiful. I am in love with your work and will have to explore your blog some more :)

Please put my name into the drawing, and feel free to visit my blog for a giveaway:

Thanks! Zan

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you...feel free to take a look at my cards and atc's!

You have a great giveaway!! I love this beautiful cards!!!!!!!

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


ThisThisAndThat said...

Beautiful creations...

I’d love to be entered into your “One World – One Heart” giveaway…

I’m also participating in OWOH, so feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win some goodies from me as well.


Anonymous said...

They are beautiful :)

Please add my name to your draw.

Cricket said...

The top 4 cards are so beautiful. They really and truly sing to me.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

would love to win these awesome gifts...m.

Anonymous said...

your cards are beautiful
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine
carolyn h

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

You know when you read a favorite fairy tale or you look at a piece of art that just makes you go WOW? I get that feeling looking at your cards! Whimsical and charming and I just want to keep looking! Please include me and stop by for a visit when you get a chance.


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I love your artwork! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Anonymous said...

Pretty art work. Do come over and visit.

sandee said...

These are just awesome cards!!! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Letha Richardson said...

Gorgeous cards! I love them all- I can't wait for you to draw my name :o) Please enter me in the draw.
Thanks- Letha
I am also #553 of the OWOH project or you can catch me on my blog at

Jenn Milt Art said...

lovely cards!!

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

Jodi said...

Very cool cards ~ thanks for the chance to win.

Megan Chamberlain said...

Beautiful cards, please add my name to your giveaway draw.

SpiritMama said...

Beautiful cards!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

sewfunky said...

These are truly beautiful!

Please enter me in your great giveaway and don't forget to head on over and enter mine (#144 on the gypsy caravan)

Stacey said...

BEAUTIFUL!! I'd love to be included in your giveaway drawing! Thanks!

Sharon said...

WOW the particapation in this one just goes to show you what talent you have. They are beautiful
enter me at
Thanks, Sharon

Trish said...

What a generous offering! Your cards are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely set of cards! Beautiful creations!

If you would like a chance to win some hand tatted lace during your OWOH gypsy caravan travels then hop on over to my blog. OWOH 118 :)

Gina said...

I love the cards! Please enter me.

stampgram said...

Lovely cards. Please enter me and hope on over to my blog to see my OWOH offering...I am #563.

divaqueenie said...

Your cards are really wonderful, thank you for sharing your talent with us!

Anonymous said...

So unique! love the cards so please count me in and I am so glad I stopped by.

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in.

Lorri said...

Lovely giveaway, Could you please enter me too :)
I'm number 584 if you would like to join my giveaway too.

carylsrealm said...

Wow! 12?!?!? How generous! Please include moi! And stop by my OWOH!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

12 cards! That's very generous. Please enter me in your drawing. I'd love to be lucky enough to win this. Pop over to my blog to say HI if you get a chance.
Patricia :o)

s hyler said...

What a wonderful giveaway, They are so beautiful. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

What amazing cards! Awe inspiring creativity. I would be absolutely thrilled to "bits" to win them! Please pick me :)

Dschrader said...

Beautiful! Please add me to your drawing!
Donna K Schrader

Patti G. said...

Marianne, your cards are so pretty,
count me in please and thanks for the opportunity! Come play at my blog too if you have not yet! Hugs,Patti

Lezlei Ann Young said...

Yippee! Please enter me in your drawing.
My email:

Don't forget to stop by and enter my giveaway!

Thanks! I'll be back!


The Whimsical Goblin said...

Cool cards...count me in :)

Monique Kleinhans said...

What wonderful cards! Thank you so much for the chance to own them!

Thank you for joining in the fun of One World One Heart! I hope you'll come visit when you have the chance. You can find me on Lisa's List (number 94) or just stop by:

moniquelk (at) gmail (dot) com

Janice said...

What fabulous cards. Please enter me in your giveaway.

uniquecommodities said...

Count me in! Feel free to enter my OWOH give away. I am #319 on the main blog

Tina Leavy said...

oh how nice. please enter my name in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit my blog too when you get a chance

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine...

jojoebi-designs said...

I can always do with some extra cards and these are lovely!
please pop my name in your hat then come over and enter in mine if you haven't already done so

Brenda said...

Wow, I love your homemade cards. Please enter me into your draw (#574)

Jona Panesa said...

so beautiful cards. please add me in your drawing.

Lynn Stevens said...

You do Beautiful original work ,please enter me.

Brandy said...

WOW your art is amazing. Such inspiration. Please include me into your

Bibi said...

Beautiful cards. Please enter me in the draw, and if you haven't done so yet, please go to to enter my giveaway too.

Peggy Parker said...

Your cards are all so beautiful, I would probably frame them! Please add me to your list.

Jennifer Juniper said...

Wow, I can already pick out who each card would be for. Each one is unique, love it! I would love to enter your drawing and invite you to mine. Thank you! Jen

Michelle McGee said...

Gorgeous gorgeous work!

Mary said...

Beautiful cards! Please count me in. :)

Karen 's World said...

I love your cards! I'm so glad I found your blog. What fun! Thanks for offering up such a great giveaway.

Lisa said...

Please sign me up for those terrific cards!! Come by for a chance at my OWOH giveaway.

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Your handmade cards are fabulous! I would love to enter your giveaway! If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my drawing, too! =)

Halle said...

Wonderful cards..countme in!

Please stop by my giveaway as well!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating in OWOH. I'm # 622.

Wonderful cards. I would love the chance to win your art.

fionakcrawford (at) gmail (.) com

pinkglitterfae said...

What a generous giveaway! thank you for entering my name in your contest!

stop by mine if you get the chance - OWOH # 259


How talented you are!

Please add my name to your drawing. :o)

Amberella said...

Thanks for the chance. Awesome cardmaking skills. :)

amberella007 @

free indeed said...

The cards stand out as being quite unique. I'm glad someone still uses paper and pen to leaves nothing to posterity! Thanks for opening this to everyone

Unknown said...

Very pretty cards! Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Jona Panesa said...

beautiful cards. please enter me in your drawing.

seahagstudio said...

i would love to win these great cards! your blog is awesome!! i am having a wonderful time finding all these new blogs! thanks, tracy

Korarnithlas said...

Lovely cards! Please enter me in the drawing.


WendyP said...

your cards are awesome - thanks for sharing them with the world
smiles Wendy
hope you will drop by my blog too

Heidi Jo said...

Beautiful cards! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that i stopped by!! Your handmade cards are delightful:)
You are very talented! said...

Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Tami said...

Such a wonderful set of handmade cards!! Please count me in!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your handmade cards and they are so practical for those of us with limited time on our hands. Your blog banner is awesome, too.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Anonymous said...

Your handmade cards are wonderful. I could definitely use them. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Anonymous said...

Your cards are beautiful! Thank you so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks!!

Jenn Klee said...

They are just amazing! Drop by my blog for my giveaway.

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by #223. :-)

Unknown said...

I love them! Thanks for the chance to win!

Corryna said...

I love them! Hopefully I will be lucky. Your work is really good. I will check on the rest of your blog. You may come to mine too.

Karen said...

Lovely work!
Please enter me into the draw!
Best wishes
Karen x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! What a generous giveaway! What unique creations!
Would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win.


trisha too said...

wonderful handmade cards,
thank you for participating in
owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend

cheryl said...

Simply wonderful cards!

If you get a chance, stop by my humble OWOH:

Unknown said...

The cards are wonderfully beautiful. I also invite you to enter my OWOH at #500.

SuseADoodle said...

all 12 to one person? wow! these would be a pleasure to win!

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"


very nice- please include me

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner in your lovely card giveaway.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Melanie said...

I love your cards!!! Please enter me in your drawing! The cards are a great variety!!

Franny said...

your cards are amazing! I would love them to start my collection...I would love to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans or email me at:

Dottie said...

What a generous gift! Your cards are very nice!
Please add me to the list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway (#669) Thanks!

Ellen said...

these are beautifull I specially love the 2 top ones as I like blue and brown together.

I'd love to win them

Rusted Wings said...

What an amazing set of cards!!
Please enter me in and come by and check out our new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, your cards are simply amazing. Your color choices are so pretty. Please enter me in your drawing. I could never part with your cards, I would probably frame them!

nfmgirl said...

Wow! Lovely and vibrant! I would love to be included in your drawing. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Those are pretty! Thank you for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Janet said...

Wow! Your cards are fantastic! Please add my name to your list, and if you haven't already, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway.

cowgirltazz said...

Thank you for entering me in your drawing. What a great giveaway. Your cards are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Your cards are uniquely wonderful. I'd love to be included in your drawing.
Thank you,
Barb in TX

Erika Powell said...

they are so lovely. please enter me.

Anonymous said...

What great cards... I already know who I'm giving the "Elvis" card to!

Thanks for participating in OWOH!!


Char said...

Love Cards!!!!

Please enter my name in your giveaway!!

Hugs from Oregon,


and come visit me at:

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

Love your cards! Please add my name to your drawing and if you haven't been to my blog yet, please stop by to enter my giveaway. Thanks!

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Your cards are fantastic! I love cards!! Thank you so much for the chance to win - it's a great giveaway!

I'm into cardmaking myself - join in my blog candy these days - if some Christmas stamps, papers and other cardmaking stuff should be of any interest for you! :)
Hugs from Hege - in the northern part of Norway :)

Made by Melissa said...

Awesome! I love art and I love cards. I hope I am the lucky winner.

Please stop my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway too:

Anonymous said...

"I Can't Help Falling in Love With...your cards" and Elvis too.

What a joyous graceful collection!

Thanks for your giveaway, reminds me of pretty music!

D Q said...

Beautiful cards! Please enter me into your drawing.

jasmoonbutterfly said...

please count me in xxx
jasmoon butterfly (Traceyanne) #794

Carole Burant said...

Such a delightful giveaway!! Please enter my name, I would so love to win these beautiful cards!! Thank you! Make sure you come and enter my own giveaway, a little faerie box. I'm #770. xo

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, your cards are so gorgeous! Please count me in. :)

And please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

Renee said...

what a great giveaway, please count me in. Renee

Viki Banaszak said...

Awsome! Please enter my name in your giveaway :)

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Love your cards! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

peggy aplSEEDS said...

what a generous giveaway! so many wonderful cards! thank you for the chance to win them.

Rebecca said...

I love the creativity in your cards...there is something for *everyone*! thanks for sharing!

Deanna Lack said...

I especially love the Obama quote, "We are the hero of our own story." Beautiful cards. Please drop by my blog and enter my giveaway :)
You've Got Maille

Sadie said...

Your cards are beautiful! Please enter me into your draw. Thank you,
Sadie x

Char said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Safiya Alyse said...

Beautiful art!

Anonymous said...

Lovely cards. What a nice giveaway.

Latharia said...

What a lovely set of cards! Please do enter me in your drawing. If I am so lucky as to win, please contact me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net! In the meantime, please come over to the giveaway on my blog and enter there, too!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Your cards are lovely!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Rhondi said...

What a nice set of cards. Please add my name.

Paula said...

What lovely cards! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! Please visit my blog and sign up for my little giveaway. I'm #360 on the list!


Christine said...

Beautiful and fun cards. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks for participating in OWOH. It's so much fun seeing all of the blogs.
Christine from Idaho!!!

Mary said...

Hi Marianne! I love your blog!! I also love the pics of your kids and my brother dressed up as Elvis! That is awesome!! I must say that I am thouroughly impressed with your artwork! I LOVE it! I have papercrafted, but I have never stamped like this. I think I need to come take one of your classes. You will have to send me the schedule. Lotsa of love,

Sarahlé said...

Wow, how generous! Please count me in, I would be delighted to offer them to my uncle :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day


Stephanie said...

I love these cards...they are wonderful!! What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.

#813 on the OWOH Caravan

Sophie said...

Beautiful cards. Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada

jolt said...

all of your cards are fantastic
please enter me in your draw

Anonymous said...

These cards are so beautiful, love them! Please sign me up for the draw. Thanks a lot.
Jutta from Germany

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Great set of handmade cards. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody

artbeckons said...

Lovely cards! Please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

AngieHallHaviland said...

What a FUN event this is….making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Please stop by my blog, if you'd like :O)

martha brown said...

Wow! Fantastic cards! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!!! I'm off now to look around your blog some more!!

Margo said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!
Thank you!!

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

I would love to win your set of cards! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.


Barbara #830

Lisa said...

Great giveaway!! Please enter me! :)Lisa

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Beadyjan said...

Oh great art - I love your giveaway and would like to be included.

Have you entered my OWOH draw yet? I'm #441

Just Jenn Designz said...

Oh what gorgeous cards. Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing. Thanks,

Lisa said...

Your cards are really unique and lovely.. I would love to win them!!Please include me in your generous drawing!

Birgit said...

What wonderful cards! :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 756 on the caravan :)

Holly said...

your creations are just great! thank you for sharing.......

Kim Reid said...

Beautiful Cards! Please enter in your great giveaway - Thank you!

Banna said...

Please enter me in your give away and if you have not already run over to my blog and enter mine.

Jendy said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing! And if you haven't done so yet, stop by my blog and sign up for mine.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Connie said...

cool cards! please enter my giveaway too!
connie williams

Art of Jana said...

Nice to see Elvis! (and I'd love to have your cards, too.)
Please enter me in your giveaway and if you haven't entered mine, please come on by!

(#905 - OWOH ) Jana

P.S. I'm rushing through the giveaways trying to get signed up before deadline end. I'll be going back and looking in depth at as many blogs as I can. …I started late…

So many giveaways - so little time! :)

KKJD1 said...

Beautiful cards! Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks Karen

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Great cards! Please enter me into the draw. And visit me when you have time.

BrendaLea OWOH #754}

KV said...

Such lovely, lovely cards! Come visit my blog for a giveaway treat, too.

Kathy V in NM

Aleda said...

Those note cards are amazing! I'm just getting into stamping and making cards, and seeing those...well, we all need something to strive for. :)

Thanks for having a giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks! :)

Estela said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me!!

Jax said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in and if you haven't already, swing by my give away, too! #321

Corinna Nitschmann said...

Please count me in and let this giveaway come to Hungary! I like it very much.

Corinna with the felted vessels
PS.: Let me invite you to Nr.802

jamaise said...

I love them!! They are so pretty they'd be hard to send. I have the perfect person to send the Elvis card too. I hope I win!! #873

Unknown said...

I love that these cards are all so different!
Please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway, if you haven't already!

Tammie Lee said...

Your cards are wonderful and inspiring. It would be so hard to give them away, though in doing so it would indeed bring joy to another person too. Thank you for including me in your giveaway. Feel free to join mine as well, #22.

threesidesofcrazy said...

These are fantastic! I'm still getting to each and every blog on the list - what a great trip around the world it has been. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you for stopping by mine too!

Michelle said...

Hi, nice to "meet" you. I'd love to be entered into the drawing for your amazing giveaway. I'm off to pop around your blog a little more. Once again, lovely to "meet" you. :-)


Christy said...

Your cards are super sweet!

Shariyah said...

What a lovely give-away...I love all of your cards!! Please count me in! If you haven't entered my give-away, please stop by my blog (lucky #1/
and enter to win one of my two prizes! Thank you for participating in this fabulous event, and very nice to meet you :)
Peace & Love


Deborah said...

Your artwork is exquisite. Please add me to your giveaway list.

Diane said...

Beautiful cards! Please count me in. Thanks for dropping by my blog also.

Deb Cox said...

love your creative cards! Please enter me in your drawing!
Deb Cox
(glass beads & jewelry)

Anji Gallanos said...

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. Glad I made it to your blog. I am also hosting a giveaway...stop on by


Pamela said...

great giveaway!

BunnyKissd said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me if it's not to late!

bunnykissd (at) gmail (dot) com

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Some are beautiful and some are pure fun. Great work from a fellow card maker and rubber stamper!

Thanks for having the giveaway!

demmi said...

sign me up please con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Nelsby said...

I just love the philosophy of the OWOH event. Thanks so much for YOUR generous giveaway. I would be thrilled to win!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you