Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Dad and Me

I am so glad that I had this picture taken last year of my dad and me. It is a real treasure now. I miss him so much and still have a hard time believing that he is gone. The only other pictures I have of just Dad and me are when I was about two years old and younger. Why I didn't think to have more pictures taken of us together in all those years in between, I don't know. I just always thought that he would be here for a very long time like his long-lived ancestors before him. His grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Russell Day, lived to be 103 years old. I thought that my dad would live a very long time like her because he had always been in such good health. This is obviously a lesson that we need to more fully appreciate all the special people in our lives now, because we never know when they will be taken away from us.
My dad graduated with honors from this school of life on earth. He lived a wonderful life of service and was such a great husband and father to us 6 girls. After he passed away my mom was asked if Dad had ever expressed any words of regret that he never had a son. She said that he NEVER said a single word about that. He was happy with his 6 little girls. We are all very happy to know that.
In my prayers every day, I ask Heavenly Father to please tell Dad how much I love him and miss him.

1 comment:

  1. Tears! My Aunt just sent me a message on f/b just today. My Moms siblings take a trip every 2 yrs together. It has been 12 yrs since Mom passed away. My Aunts message, "We felt your Mom with us" Oh tears, missing them never changes... We are so lucky to have had such wonderful parents. A legacy of LOVE for sure. Keep the memories alive. Right them all down. I can't remember so many details I want to share with my Grandkids. Hang in there! XO
