Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Dad and Me, Part 2

I feel very lucky that I was the firstborn of my family. I got to have my mom and dad all to myself for the first 17 months of my life! Then sisters kept coming every 17 months for several years. These are all the photos that I have of my Dad and me when I was young.
These photos were all printed from slides which my sister Becky was so nice to have made onto discs for us.
Don't I have a good-looking Dad?!
What a nice Dad to play with me in my crib!
This was at the Great Salt Lake.
I know I look like a little ghost! And this is my sister Laurie, who was lucky enough to be born with some color in her skin!
"Helping" my Dad shine his shoes. That kitchen table, which we had for many years, brings back lots of memories.
I sure love my Dad. He was just the greatest!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture with him in your crib. Thank you for sharing these memories with us.
