Monday, November 9, 2009


I finally got back to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago! We spent 4 great days there! Robert and I drove down with Amy, Greg, Mason, and Gavin. Jacob and Mary flew down and met us at the Hilton Garden Inn where we stayed for 6 wonderful nights.
I LOVE Disneyland so much! I am such a huge fan of the place and just can't get enough. I counted close to 20 times that I have been there since I was in Jr. High and went with my family. Yes, I know I'm very spoiled! That place has such great memories for me. As soon as I walk through the gates, under the train tunnel and onto Main Street, I feel like I have entered another time period. If there weren't all those wonderful rides, I could just walk around Main Street and enjoy everything all day!
This was the first time I have been there during Halloween time with all the fun decorations. It was great, but I also think it will be my last time going during this crowded celebration!
Robert bought us Annual Passes for the first time, so we will hopefully be going at least one more time in the next year! It was so fun to go with our cute grandsons for the first time. And it was also fun to go with Mary for her first time there.... a lot of firsts! What a fun place!


  1. Love the pics. They are adorable. Lucky you. I have been once! Gotta take the Granddaughters. I can see it is an awesome memory for you all.

  2. Ahem! You ARE spoiled Marianne :0) I bet you did have fun. I agree with you, you walk down mainstreet and a different time period/feeling comes your way. Glad you got to go again. I didn't realize it would be so busy though.

  3. How Fun! I love going to Disneyland in Nov. I only get to go because Jason's parents take the kids when they turn 5 so McCall is getting excited for next November. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

  4. Disneyland is so much fun during any holiday! I loved seeing the pumpkins and all the colored leaves.

    And you're not're blessed!
