Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is Here!

I didn't used to like Fall at all because it meant school was starting again and Winter, with it's cold and snow, was coming soon. I was such a shy little girl that going back to school every fall was very tramatic for me. I would like to have just stayed home with my mom all the time. When my kids were going to school I felt that same scared feeling for them each year, but none of them had a problem with going back to school at all!

Well, I guess ALL of us have grown up now and I've gotten over that scared feeling. Also, the older I get, the hotter I get! The heat of the summer is just too much!

So,I love Fall now!

The apple trees in our yard have tons of apples on them this year. Robert thinks we're going to can applesause and apple butter this year, but we don't have any canning supplies any more. We quit doing that a long time ago. Our smooth-top stove won't handle canning either. But I'm going to see if we can freeze some instead.

I'm loving the cooler weather! And I'm excited to go up into the canyons to see all the colors.


  1. I love fall as well. I just hope that Fall will stay a few weeks before winter takes over. I miss you guys. Glad that we have facebook and blogs to keep in contact.

  2. Your apple trees are making my mouth water! Apples in the fall are so good!

    I went up the Alpine loop last week. Most of the leaves hadn't changed yet but I still got some great pictures. I put them on my blog the other day. Go take a look!!!


  3. Oh Yes, the season for apples! My favorite is CARMELED APPLES! But those green apples are so enticing! And there is NOTHING more BEAUTIFUL than FALL IN UTAH! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

  4. Your trees remind me of going to my grandparents house and picking apples in their orchard.

    It also makes me want some fresh from the oven apple crisp!

    I did finish reading The Lost Symbol! We're going to DC next year and I so want to go see all those places mentioned. Wouldn't that be a great idea for a tour group? Tour Paris, Vatican City, Washington and see all the art and buildings from the books?

    Well, enjoy your apples!
