Friday, May 29, 2009

Stamp Club Card

I actually finished 10 of these cards a few weeks ago for Stamp Club which is tomorrow morning. I did them early before I started tending an extra baby since I didn't know how much time I would have to stamp!

I'm starting to figure out watching two little babies at the same time! It hasn't been too bad. Thank goodness for the swing-- I would never survive without it!!!


  1. Beautiful card. i love that image!!!


  2. I missed you, but I bet the babies were great.

    The card is wonderful.

  3. Love that one, wish you were close by. We are making cards at Y.W this next week. It's for girls camp. We are making them to give annonymously for others kind acts or an occassional cheer up. Our girls get to go to Nauvoo for camp this year. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! How lucky are they? Take Care, Sharon
