Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby Duty

Today is my first day to watch TWO grandbabies! Cason is now six months old and Logan is about 7 weeks old. This morning they ate at different times and both slept a lot. This is Cason's dad's day to come home early so I only have Logan until 5:00. I should survive today! We'll see how the longer day tomorrow is! I love these little guys lots! Hopefully we'll get a good routine down taking care of both of them. Robert keeps reminding me that I wanted to do this! When they get a little older they'll have lots of fun together-- we just need to survive til then!!


  1. SWEET! That has been my dream too! And it is such a blessing to love on them yet I wonder how we did it as young Moms! A LOT OF WORK! and 24/7 attention! So glad you get to do it and not some stranger!! Lucky you!

  2. They are adorable! They will be so much fun for their G-ma.


  3. Let me know if you ever need a break! You are such a great grandmother.

  4. Wow, Cason looks HUGE now that Logan is next to him. What cute little boy dolls! You're so blessed!

  5. GREAT photos! What cute boys :)
