Saturday, February 14, 2009

The King's Singers

Last night Robert and I went to see the King's Singers with the Utah Symphony at Abravanel Hall. I have been a big fan of theirs for many years. I love their great harmony and the variety of songs that they sing. It was a very fun night.

This whole week has been very busy and fun with something going on every night! Monday night we went to Highland to see my niece Macy star in her high school play The Curious Savage. The play was great and she was really great! Tuesday night I went to a Grocery Smart party at my daughter Amy's house. Wow, did I learn a lot- it's a great program to save lots of money. Wednesday night we went flying in the I Fly wind tunnel in Ogden which was really really fun! Thursday night we went to my sister-in-law Pat's house to set up her computer that Danny was able to fix for her and save all her photos and family history. Then last night we went to the King's Singer concert which was terrific!

What an eventful week full of exciting happenings!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad dad thought of that for you! I was going to tell him about it and then forgot!
