Monday, February 16, 2009

The Hawaiian

My favorite place to go out to eat when I was growing up was The Hawaiian restaurant on Highland Drive in Sugar House. I remember our family going there many times, usually with my Grandma and Grandpa Ridd. I loved the big murals of tropical scenes on the walls and the Hawaiian plants, flowers and music. I especially loved the lighting and sound effects of the tripical storms with "rain" coming down along the walls. There was a very small stage where they had Hawaiian dancers to entertain us. Besides the main restaurant, there was also a seafood buffet upstairs that we went to a few times, but I loved the atmosphere downstairs. I almost felt like I was on vacation when we went there. I don't remember much about the food, other than that I think I usually ordered chicken- I wasn't real big on seafood then. Robert and I went there once after we were married, but then I was very sad when owner Johnny Quong closed down the restaurant. Such great memories there! Do you remember The Hawaiian?


  1. I remember the Hawaiann. I went the a couple of times with my aunts. I didn't live in SLC but my sister and I would visit for a couple of weeks in the summer and they would always show us a great time. Thanks for bringing back the memories.

  2. I like Robert in the Elvis outfit. He looks just like him! Looks like flying "suits" you! That would be fun! I loved seeing the picture of your kids young and then older....if they really do grow THAT fast, I'm ready to cry.

  3. I remember the Hawaiian. They had home delivery too and we would order that sometimes. I would always order the shrimp because it was something special. We always felt it was exciting to have an orchid to take home with us.

  4. Loved the Hawaiian; lived in Sugarhouse, and the Hawaiian was a regular for us. Loved sitting under the tree, and the fake storms. It was sad when the place got old, and the plastic plants looked tired. The Hawaiian fell out of favor towards its end, but I never stopped liking the place.
    I still live in Salt Lake and think of the restaurant when driving down Highland Drive.
