Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little Houses

I've always loved houses, windows, doors, fences, etc. in art for some reason. I decided to make a series of little house ATC's (Artist Trading Cards, which are always 2 1/2" by 3 1/2") These have been so fun to make. I'm making a whole little neighborhood of them! We are going to make one in the class I teach this Saturday morning along with several others. These are a combination of stamps, magazine cut outs, and stickers. The lined background of several of them are actually the bottom of a flip flop which has that brick pattern on it. It is inked up in an ink pad and stamped on the cardstock! I read about that idea someone had in a stamping magazine. Pretty tricky!
Well, we got the whole family room in the basement painted and the new carpeting will be installed next week. It will be nice to get our house put back together and have a nice fresh room downstairs for Danny and Courtney.
I have a little over 2 weeks left before I have to go back to work, but I have a meeting at the district office tomorrow morning and one the next week and one the week after, so I'm getting back into it gradually! All good things must come to an end! But I will definitely enjoy it while I can!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so awesome. You really have a talent for that stuff. Have a good few more weeks off before you start working again.
