Friday, July 25, 2008

Fun with Grandsons

In the past couple of weeks I have gone to Hogle Zoo and the Ogden Dinosaur Park with Amy and her two cute little boys, Mason and Gavin. They had so much fun and it was lots of fun to watch them. It was hotter than hot at both places, but well worth it. I love those little boys so much! I dream quite often that I am holding and taking care of a baby. And they always look different. I love babies and children so much and I really miss my own 5 kids being little. My sister, Carolyn and I have often talked about this, and we decided that it's a good thing we have grandchildren to love and help take care of to help these baby cravings we have! It's very exciting that we have another grandbaby coming in October and another one in March! We know the one in October is a boy and we are hoping that the March baby will be a girl, but if it's another boy that's great too!

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