Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I never got my Christmas cards sent out a couple of months ago. (Yes, I even had several of them made!) So I decided I would make and send Valentine cards to my family. I had fun with embossing and punching and stamping them. I made about 16 of these cards and actually got them mailed yesterday. Miracles do happen!


  1. Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL valentine!!! Love you :)

  2. Wow! That is a gorgeous card! What punch did you use on the edges? I am glad your girls are cropping! You have to love that! I got Jessica an SEI album in an hour kit and had a bunch of photos printed off from when the baby was born. It was cute to watch her, Kendall, and Holly's Cindy put it all together. When's your next stamp class?
