Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Career

I started my new "career" this week- tending my cute little grandson, Cason, who is now two months old. It is so fun to be home. This is where I really like to be. Cason is such a good baby and it has been fun to take care of him. When he is sleeping, which is quite a bit still, I can get all kinds of things done. I've been crocheting, reading, writing, drawing, and working on art projects. I really do miss the wonderful ladies that I worked with at the school and MOST of the kids! I'll just have to go visit them every once in a while.

Life is good!


  1. That sounds like a fun career. Cason is such a cutie. Good luck and call me if you ever need a break.

  2. LUCKY YOU! That is my dream career!! About the bread... It's not that I hate making bread its that it takes the day. But well worth it! Have a good weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. PS, Cason is a cutie! Lucky you to be able to stay home with him!! My mom misses you so much!! But, I am so glad you get to be a stay at home grammy!! Have fun!

  5. Marianne,
    It is so fun to read about your family, and your thoughts and feelings! I really miss you and what a sweet influence you have been in my life! You have a wonderful family! You are wonderful!
    Of course you can put my blog on your blog roll!!! Can I put yours on mine?! :)

  6. What a sweet boy!!!

  7. What a beautiful baby! How fun it must be to be home with him. Enjoy your time!
