Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby Cason

Cason Daniel was born on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at Alta View Hospitol. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and is 21 inches long. What a cute little guy! Danny and Courtney were supposed to call the hospitol that morning at 7:00 to make sure they had room for them to come in so they could start her labor since she was 10 days past the due date. But at 2:15 that morning her water broke and labor pains started, so they got to the hospitol at about 3:00 and Cason was born at 12:51 p.m. that afternoon. We are so glad that he is finally here! How great it is to have a newborn in the family again! They came home from the hospitol on Thursday afternoon, and this grandma loves to hold him!

Is this a happy face or what?!

A new family!


  1. How fun! I am sure that Courtney is so glad to have Cason out. They are fun. I am sure that you guys will enjoy grandparent time as well.

  2. Well, gee, is that really fair that you get to live with the grandbaby? You'll probably get to hold it more than the mother! (j/k he he) He's precious---hope you all sleep "like a baby".

  3. I'm pretty sure one of MY grandbabies came to your family by mistake! What do we do now?!?

  4. oh, How i miss this stage... fine I may have 5, and some are still relatively little, but... I love and miss those first milestones... what a handsome little man!
