Thursday, March 24, 2011


My new discovery and obsession! We made some of these stamped and doodled cards in my last ATC class and one of the ladies told me it looked like Zentangle, which I had never heard of. So I came home from class and looked it up on the internet. Wow! It's a whole new art form that is really fun!
Zentangle is the art of creating beautiful images with repetitive patterns and it is very relaxing while increasing focus and creativity. There are a whole group of people "out there" who are trained teachers and they do workshops showing how to make all kinds of beautiful patterns. And I just thought it was doodling! Little did I know what a great art form this is! There are several books on the subject, a couple of which I bought, and they are incredible! These ATC cards below are the samples I did for the class. The card at the top is called a tile- 3 1/2" square, which they make in their classes. Lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marianne
    It's exciting to see a Salt Laker who is doing zentangle...since I am one, too, and looking for people to hang out with and share our ideas and energy.
    I'm happy to have discovered your blog, and hope that you are still actively enjoying the amazing art form of zentangle.
    I'll check for replies over the next few days. It would be great if you could join the Intermountain Tangle Gathering...a new group that just started. Our goal is simply to enjoy some time together, creating, discussing, teaching, and learning zentangle type art from each other.
