Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Quilts

I did it!
I finished five pieced quilts for my kids and their spouses for Christmas that I had started at the beginning of the year! They are the first pieced quilts that I had ever made and it was very fun! I can't believe all the hours and hours I put into those things, but I sure am hooked on making them now!
For next Christmas, I want to make I Spy quilts for each of my six grandchildren. That sounds like such a fun project and I've already started collecting different, fun fabrics for them.
So many fun things to do and so little time!
Amy and Greg
Danny and Courtney

Steven and Katheryn

Jacob and Mary

Julie and Adam

I sewed lables on the back of each of them.


  1. So cute! Jason's mom did that a few years ago for Christmas and she had actually saved fabric from them growing up and dresses and things that she had made for them. Each child has fabric from their childhood.

  2. Those are BEAUTIFUL! Way to go! Oh I need the inspiration to rub off on me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  3. These are the first quilts you ever made? Are you kidding me?? They are gorgeous!! You are a born quilter!

  4. Those are such beautiful and meaningful gifts! You did such a wonderful job! I'm sure they will be treasured always.

  5. They all turned out so cute! You did a great job. So, have you started on your next project yet?
