Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taberncle Choir Broadcast

On Sunday morning, Robert and I went downtown to the Tabernacle Choir Broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word on Temple Square. It was our Stake Conference that day, and we had gone to the adult meeting the night before, so we decided it would be a good day to go to the broadcast since he didn't have bishopric meetings in the morning as he usually does.
I had wanted to go do this for years because I love the Tabernacle Choir. When I was growing up, my mom played their music probably every Sunday morning. I love their harmony and all the wonderful music they sing. It was a thrill for me to sit there in the Tabernacle and listen to them. It had been many years since I had been in that beautiful building.
I have the greatest husband! He really doesn't like the Choir very much, but he took me anyway! That's just the kind of guy that he is and I really appreciated it and all he does for me! It was a great Valentine's Day gift for me!

1 comment:

  1. Love the latest cards. You are enjoying retirement I can tell! Send me a card sometime. P.O. Box 1282 Eldorado, Kansas 67042
