Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Yellow Bowl

When I was growing up my mom used this yellow Pyrex mixing bowl all the time. She used it to mix cake and pancake batter, to mash potatoes in, and make big salads among many other things. When my grandma moved out of her house many years later I was able to get her big yellow mixing bowl, which I remember her mixing bread in. I used it for a long time until a crack started in the bottom of it and I put it into storage because I didn't want it to break all the way and I was very sentimental about saving it. Well, a few months ago there was a commercial on television that showed a grandmother in the kitchen making cookies with her granddaughter and they were using that same mixing bowl! It made me want to find another one to use. My sister Carolyn and I were at an antique store a few weeks ago and she found one there! I was so excited about it and had to buy it! I probably payed three times what it used to cost years ago, but it was worth it! Yes, I'm a very nostalgic person!


  1. ahhhh Wow, that looks so familar. I'm sure my own mom had one too! Love the old fashion memories. My Grandmother had some awesome magnelite pans. One day at a garage sale I found one exactly like them and was so excited!! Good idea! I think I'll post some of my Grandma's little goodies! Thanks for sharing

  2. My sis-in-law got the set from her Grandma last summer with one missing. A couple of weeks later she saw one at an antique store. They bring back so many memories!


  3. Everyone's grandmother must have had one, because this makes me think of her too. Any time I find something that reminds me of my mom or grandmothers, home it goes!

    PS have you preordered Dan's new book yet? TWO months left!

  4. My mom actually had a set of those bowls, along with Hall's Autumn Leaf. My dad gave me the AL years ago, and I kept them packed away until recently. I was even debating about selling them to an anitque dealer, and almost did, but then she went out of business. A few weeks back I got the bowls out and put them in my kitchen.

    My mom used them to death and they worked hard and held up well (they're quite heavy). When I use them it brings back memories (and my mom a little bit - she died when I was a teenager).

    I'm glad you found another one. Sometimes you just have to pay the price for something you really want. :-)

  5. I betcha my Grandma(s) have that bowl also. Funny. I love the red cards you made. They are so pretty.
    Don't you have 2 daughter-in-law's with katheryn in their name now? What a beautiful bride for Steven! I am very happy for both of them. The pictures are great (from the Temple).
    If you could pass along some of that love for reading, that would help me. Reading puts me to sleep! I wish I enjoyed it more.
