Friday, March 27, 2009

New Blog Site

I started a new blog site to tell the stories and show photos of my ancestors. Thanks to Colleen and Shaunasee for the great idea! The first ancestor that I chose to spotlight is my great-great-grandfather, Ephraim George Holding. This is a photo of him standing on a spire of the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He was the first electrician in Utah and installed all the electric lights in and on the temple and many large buildings and homes. This photograph is hanging in the South Visitor's Center on Temple Square. If you would like to read more about him you can go to Windows in Time.


  1. What a great idea. I can't wait to take a look. Our family is also one of the first settlers in Utah. They settled in Bear River City. There is even a statue in the town with there names on it.

    I received my folder today. Thanks so much for getting that for me. I'll send you a check on Monday.


  2. How neat!!! Hi, you left some comments on my blog a while back, and since I still had those messages, i thought I would let you know that I have hosting a giveaway of a free papercut. If you are interested, please stop by for more information. Hope you are well. Have a great day!

    where the giveaway is...

    family blog

  3. Marianne,

    I linked to your blog through Julie's facebook and then her blog. I hope it's ok that I had a peek. I am absolutely in love with the idea of a family history blog! I don't know why I haven't thought of it. I have collected quite a few stories that I've typed & saved on my pc, so I am really excited about the idea of sharing them on a blog - maybe it will pique the interest of the rest of the family. Are you including all of your family lines in this one blog? I know a lot of people print their blogs into books at year end as a sort of journal - you could do the same to create a family history book. Thanks for the idea!! (and to Colleen & Shaunasee)

    Wendy Gilley
