Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Wizard of Oz

One of the highlights of my growing up years was watching the annual broadcast of the Wizard of Oz on television. Back then, of coarse, there were no videos or DVD's to watch anytime we wanted, so we didn't want to miss it. My sisters and I would watch it every year and sing along with the songs. We had those songs and much of the dialogue memorized after many years of watching. It's always been one of my favorite movies. In fact, as an adult, I started collecting all things Wizard of Oz- bells, figurines, globes, books, door stops, magnets, greeting cards, dolls, rubber stamps, and I even have a door mat on my front porch that has the legs of the Wicked Witch sticking out and says "Ding Dong". Many of these items have been given to me by my family and friends who know of my obsession with the movie.
I've thought a lot over the years about why I like the Wizard of Oz so much. I think it is because of all the symbolism that is so prominent to me. "There's no place like home", the need of friends along the way, good overcoming evil, and never giving up even though the going gets rough are all themes in the movie. The characters are all very memorable (I love the Scarecrow!), and the songs are all wonderful with tunes and words you can't forget. The main song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, was an Academy Award winner and Judy Garland, with her beautiful voice, made the song and herself famous. What a great movie! When was the last time you saw it?!


  1. You have some really cool stuff that you have collected. Mollie loves that show. They thought your door mat was really funny.

  2. I think your collection is too small! You need more! Hee hee! :D This can be your weakness, like dad and his Department 56.

  3. My family and I did that, too! The other ones we waited for were, The Ten Commandments, and Rudolph clayanimation. Great collection, BTW.
    Patricia :o)

  4. Thanks for popping by my blog :-)

    I have a friend that had an awesome collection of Wizard of Oz memorabilia.

    Sadly, she lost it all in a house fire. She made it out alive only because of her cat! So, I am truly grateful!

    I guess it's just material things, but this reminded me of her collection.

    Her and I both love the Wizard of Oz!! One of my favorite movies.


  5. Have you seen Wicked? It was incredibly amusing!

  6. Yes, you should collect more. I love living in Kansas! I can say "I live near Dorothy and Toto too" Wichita Airport has a awesome Wizard of OZ Store.Come for a visit! Along with many other collector stores. There is a store in Spanish Fork(UTAH) that has Fabric for the most awesome quilt I've ever seen. It is blocks of actual pictures from the movie. You'll have to watch around for it! Have Fun!
