Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I love my family and friends dearly and I am so thankful to have them all in my life. I'm thankful for my home and church.

I'm thankful for my eyes. The fact that I have very terrible eyesight has always made me appreciate the fact that I can see at all. There are many people that live in total darkness. I am so glad that I can see this beautiful world that has been created just for us. I love the trees and grass, flowers and mountains, and all the wonders of nature. I also love art and architecture that men have made. I'm thankful for the amazingly fun hobby of making art of different kinds. It is so great to have that creative outlet.

I'm thankful for my ears that can hear the wonderful sounds of nature: the birds, crickets, thunderstorms, and the ocean waves pounding against the beach. (I wish I could see and hear that a little more often!) I'm also very thankful to be able to hear music which I love so much. I enjoy so many different kinds of music. My CD collection is quite an eclectic assortment as you can tell from my playlist here. I have a little piece of heaven when I am working (really playing) in my craft room listening to music!

I am thankful for this time of year when we think about other people a little more than ourselves, when we can enjoy the excitement of this magical season, and remember what is really important in our lives.

There are many crazy things going on in the world today, but life is great when we count all our many blessings and be happy with what we have. Yes, I'm very thankful today.

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